Scarf Security Services by Stan & Bert Snow.

t’s that time of year again - scarf time. The most precious item of clothing on a cold day is your scarf, so you need to take great care of it at all times. That’s where Scarf Security Services come in - with their bespoke, tailor made security packages for scarves. Even the trickiest and most sensitive jobs undertaken with all subscription funds going to the sanctuary

You'll never need to worry about loosing your precious scarf again !  In the event that the worst happens and your scarf is lost or damaged, simply apply for a claim form and Stan or Burt will be in touch - unless they are on holiday - or our looking for Stan's scarf which he lost last Winter - or watching a film etc 

Stand and Bert are offering 3 levels of protection cover - Bronze, Sliver and Gold - priced respectively at £5, £10 and £20 per month

Bronze cover will the loss of your scarf whilst on your property - basically means that Stan or Bert, or in extreme cases, both, will come & help you look for it as long as they aren’t too busy looking for their own scarves

Silver cover includes any outbuildings or sheds you may have - otherwise is the same as the Bronze service

The Gold service covers your loss anywhere in the world - as long as your scarf is fitted with a reputable scarf tracking device and is registered with Lloyds of London

You won’t find this level of service anywhere else - so act now to get the peace of mind you know you deserve this winter time


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