
90% of TARGET


90% of TARGET 😊😊

Boris was just a tiny calf on arrival back in the Summer of 2019. He had been saved from a gruesome fate by a group of friends who had pooled their resources and saved as many of these "unwanted products of the dairy industry" as they could and then found them forever homes.

Boris was 4 years old last week and is living happily with his rescued friends, Ghandi, Toby, William and Jasper and of course their wider family of cows and horses - not forgetting Eeyore the Donkey.  Boris was the boldest of the 5 boys (see what I did there? you will if you are of a certain age lol) and was always the first to come forward for his milk replacer.  If you can spare the price of a coffee out once a month to help Boris meet his sponsorship target that would be hugely appreciated - we want to ensure Boris and his friends and the sanctuary stay safe - which we cant do without your help - thank you.



