44% of TARGET
44% of TARGET 😢
Humphrey is another member of the "H" gang who all came to live at the sanctuary in October 2017 having been rescued at a few weks old from being taken to a ferrening unit where they would be made into pies and the like. This is the fate of many little boys born to dairy cows although many are slaughtered there and then as unless many are born at the same time, it is not financially viable for the farmer to take them individually to fattening units.
Females of course are always kept and used for dairy purposes - and so the cycle continues. Humphrey is the last of our wholly black faced cows who have a white star on their forehead - He is easy to spot as his star is a lot smaller than Hamish's and his front legs are black whereas Hamish has white front legs - the other one of the trio is Willow - who is a girl ! Hamish would be very happy if you would choose him to help reach his sponsor target so he can stay safe at the sanctuary with his friends.